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Dog Licenses

Dog Licenses
Dog licenses must be purchased for a dog aged six months or older. The fee is $7.00. The license may be purchased at the County Clerk's office, Powell County Animal Shelter, or your local veterinarian.

Information needed:

Owner's name, address, phone number
Name, breed, and description of the dog.

License expires June 30th each year.

Animal Shelter
Powell County Animal Shelter
169 Transfer Station Rd
Clay City, KY 40312

Phone: (606) 663-6410

Chief Animal Control Officer:
Randall Martin

Monday-Friday:  9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturday:    8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Closed Thursday
Adoption fees are $75 for female dog and $65 for male dogs; altered dog is $10. This fee covers the dog's spay/neuter, vet check, rabies shot and dog tag.

Female cat adoption fee is $58 and male cat is $43; altered cat is $10. This fee covers the cat's spay/neuter surgery and rabies shot.

For adoption information call (606) 663-6410 or visit
bullet  Animal Control
bullet  County Clerk
bullet  County Treasurer
bullet  E-911 Center
bullet  Emergency Management
bullet  Occupational/Net P.Tax
bullet  Road Department
bullet  Sheriff Department
bullet  Solid Waste
bullet  PVA

Holiday Schedule
Elected Officials
Absentee Ballot

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